My other blog: Katolik Shinja.
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Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Sacrament of Confession

As I prepare to make my Lenten Confession this evening, I came across this article today: Sacrament of Confession Aids in Sanctity, Says Pope: Calls It a Path of Purification and Union With Christ. A source I find invaluable in making and examination of conscience before Confession is Mortal Sins Venial Sins and Imperfections.

Monday, March 29, 2004

Kerry and the Church

Re: A Test of Kerry's Faith: The candidate's policies are at odds with church canon. Will there be a price to pay?

Notice the title's not-so-subtle anti-Catholicism ("the Left's anti-Semitism," "the last acceptable prejudice"). You can almost imagine Torquemada with Kerry on the Rack.

Former Anglican Leader

Re: Muslim dismay at Carey speech and Carey dismisses 'simplistic' criticism of controversial speech about Islam

One of the former Archbishop's criticisms was that Muslim leader's don't condemn terrorism. They couldn't raise their voices after Kenya, 9/11, Bali, Istanbul, Riyadh, or Madrid, but they are surely not keeping silent about Carey.


Saturday, March 27, 2004

Lest We Forget

From Will We Say 'Never Again' Yet Again? By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF:


I friend once said that "Australians were more American than Americans," and he didn't mean it as a compliment. recently, I read an Australian who said that his country had the worst of America, but none of its redeeming qualities. Both comments came to mind reading these articlee: Pope Deplores Australia's Secular Trends and Pope Says Sundays for God, Not Sports.
...In Mysterious Ways

Christ Movie Moves Man to Confess Murder

NPR's Bias

From Media 'Balance':


Friday, March 26, 2004


That word from the following article sums up the decade it describes: Why the '60s Went Wrong; Candid Cardinals: Russell Shaw on the Church in the U.S.

The State of the Church in Latin America

Latin America, with 50% of the world's Catholics, is the Church's geographic heartland at the current moment in history. The strength of the Church in that critical region is being sapped by an erosion of Catholic cultural values and by the quick-fix sprituality of Evangelical Protestantism and Pentacostalism, as descibed in: Globalization erodes Latin American Catholicism, church official says.

Marcionism Rears Its Ugly Head

Many of the ancient heresies that plagued the Early Church seem to be reappering. The "New Age Movement" has many elements of Gnosticism. Some of the excesses of Pentacostalists and Charismatics are dangerously close to those of the Montanists. The Marcionites espoused an ancient heresy with striking similarities to modern liberal Christianity.

From: From a Scourged Jesus to a Cut Up Gospel: "The Passion" Rewritten by Marcion:


Thursday, March 25, 2004

JP2's 1984 Petition to Our Lady

From Pope recalls consecration of world to Our Lady:

Why the new blog?

This blog will serve alongside my original blog, Katolik Shinja, and try to reach a wider audience. Katolik Shinja's niche market of expatriate American converts to Catholicism living in Korea was too narrow a focus for all the topics I wanted to cover. Therefore, this new blog was created to meet that need. Katolik Shinja will continue mainly as a commentary on Korea and the Korean Church; Eccelsia et Mundus will focus on much more, as its title suggests: the Church and the World.

Eccelsia et Mundus will have a global focus. I am an American residing in Pohang, South Korea. I have called the following other cities home to varying degrees: Buffalo, New York; Santiago, Chile; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Ulsan, South Korea; Chico, California. I will try to reflect this experience in this blog. I will also try to advocate the Church's understanding of the Brotherhood of Man, and to avoid the errors of Communism's Internationalism and Free Market Capitalism's Globalization, which see Man not primarily as a spiritual being but primarily as an economic one.

In the fine tradition of Fructus Ventris, Res et Rationes, Rex Olandi Rex Cledendi, PAX ET BONUM, and many others, I have decided to give this blog a name in Latin, the official language of the Church, to reflect its Catholic character. I almost changed it to Ekkelsia kai Kosmos, to reflect the New Testement Greek shared by Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants, but found the Latin more pleasing to the ear and eye. I decided against Catholicum Mundum Est because my limited abilty in the Latin language caused me to suspect that title's grammaticality. Another choice was Post Hoc Exilium, to reflect my own life of self-imposed exile and the Church Militant's exile here on Earth, but in the end I chose Eccelsia et Mundus as the most clear and simple choice.

For Eccelsia et Mundus, I beseech the Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to whom His Holiness Pope John Paul II consecrated the Church, all mankind, and entire world. Today being March 25, I dedicate this blog to Our Lady of the Annunciation.

The Feast of the Annunciation, XXIV Anno Domini
